Founded in 1983, the University of Virginia School of Law chapter of the Federalist Society remains one of the oldest and most active chapters in the nation with nearly 200 current dues-paying members and many more who attend our events on a regular basis. We host a series of lectures, debates, and panels – sometimes co-sponsored with other student groups – which focus on current, relevant topics and bring different ideological viewpoints to the table.

Members of the UVA Law chapter have gone on to become successful in a number of different and influential ways. Some notable alumni include George Mason Law School professor Todd Zywicki and Notre Dame Law School professor Stephen F. Smith.
Check out the recordings of the Federalist Society’s 2022 National Student Symposium (hosted at UVA) and our 2024 Originalism Symposium, which includes in-depth discussion of the Bruen decision, the history and tradition test, originalist debates in incorporation, and many other relevant topics. You can also listen to recent chapter speaker events on our podcast.